Real Time Shader Programming  
 Titel: Real Time Shader Programming
 Untertitel: Covering DirectX 9.0
 Autor: Ron Fosner
 Verlag: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, März 2003
 Format: 424 Seiten, Softcover, englisch, inkl. CD
 ISBN: 1-5586-0853-2
 Preis: € 51,00
Now that PC users have entered the realm of programmable hardware, graphics programmers can create 3D images and animations comparable to those produced by RenderMan’s procedural programs—-but in real time. Here is a book that will bring this cutting-edge technology to your computer.
Beginning with the mathematical basics of vertex and pixel shaders, and building to detailed accounts of programmable shader operations, Real-Time Shader Programming provides the foundation and techniques necessary for replicating popular cinema-style 3D graphics as well as creating your own real-time procedural shaders.
A compelling writing style, color illustrations throughout, and scores of online resources make Real-Time Shader Programming an indispensable tutorial/reference for the game developer, graphics programmer, game artist, or visualization programmer, to create countless real-time 3D effects.
Going beyond the actual shader commands and what they do, this book focuses on how to use these commands to produce "Hollywood-style" graphics. Fosner provides thorough explanations of all essential concepts and techniques of the two shader programs available today, Vertex and Pixel, as well as a lengthy shader reference section. The text is accompanied by a companion CD-ROM containing demonstration tools which allow the user to interactively see the effects of shader examples in the book, or of shaders they have written, which they can save and later use in their own programs.
Source code for all examples and tools are also included on the CD-ROM. As the power of 3D graphics has increased, manufacturers are now looking for the "next level" in graphics applications - programmable hardware. These programs are called procedural shaders and their aim is to produce "Hollywood-style" computer graphics on the latest generation of commodity PC graphics cards. Shader programming helps manufacturers differentiate their hardware, keeping them on the cutting edge of 3D graphics in products like Microsoft's Xbox.
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